Sunday, 5 June 2011

Peacock watermark experiment

It's just as suggested by the title, I decided to create a watermark designed to look like peacock feathers. Here's how I went about doing it:

Using navy green, I coated the nail with a base color
Added a few more coats so it looks more solid
These are the colors used for the watermark!
I shall skip on how to create a watermark because there are many tutorials on youtube to help you
The peacock water mark, 3rd try
For the 1st try, I used blue and green but it appeared as the 1st nail below. I then decided to use midnight blue, and double that layer with another blue to create a gradient like the one shown above.
The three tries, the third one finally makes more sense!
The color is right, the shape is more defined, I just have to refine it with more petal-shapes.
Not sure if you can tell, but using the method previously proposed in the video I shared didn't work. Water-bubbles appeared anyway. Shall research more on this.
My two favourites of the day.
Honestly, which do you prefer?
And this marks the end of my first experiment. There are several things I wish to refine:

1. Find a darker blue, and add yellow and gems to make it more colorful, like the peacock feathers.
2. Research on how to remove those water bubbles.
3. Consider using a cup, or a bowl with more depth, so I will not touch the bottom of the container and smudge the nails

Overall, I think this got off a good start :)
Wonder how it can be improved..

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