Sunday, 15 May 2011

Au Naturel

Who says no color is bad color?

Au Naturel, once in awhile, you need no color to show what you truly have.

Formula: Nail buffer, lots of moisturizer, nail clipper and happy smiles!






  1. Even your bare nails are pretty :(
    Mine are all rotting.

    How many days do you keep one particular manicure for anyway! So many designs already ~

  2. Never more than a week.

    Mine rots when the coat stays on for too long and it'd look very bad for a couple of days after cleaning it. So you gotta leave it clean for 3-4 days and let it absorb some sun, some moisturizer, and drink loads of water.

    You know the labels on the right? I have something that describes how to care for nails, just click on "nail care"

  3. Sigh. I leave mine bare for 2 weeks and it's still peeling and all.

    Will you have a tagboard! Easier to comment ~
    I've got to keep logging on to LJ and then verifying my identity as a human and not a spambot -.-
